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Changzhou College of Information Technology Geese Group high flight to create a high-level teacher team

Release time: 2024-10-10 Number of hits:

Excerpt from [Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education], October 08, 2024

The appearance of a group of good teachers is the glory of the school;The continuous emergence of a batch of good teachers is an important force to promote the high-quality development of schools。

In September 2024, Professor Wang Xiaogang of Changzhou Institute of Information Technology (hereinafter referred to as "Changxin Institute") was awarded the title of National Model Teacher, which is the 11th time since the new century that the school has won the title of national level teacher (team)。From the Huang Danian teacher team of national colleges and universities to the national teaching teacher, national model teacher, national technical expert......Changxin Institute regards the construction of high-level teachers as the first resource for the high quality development of the school,To promote the spirit of educators as the primary task of the construction of teachers,And the perseverance, courage, mutual help, unity and cooperation of the "Hongyan" quality into the construction of teachers,Through a series of measures such as the cultivation of famous teachers, pair help, ladder growth and platform guarantee,Strive to build a team of high-quality professional teachers in the new era with "head geese" leading, "young geese" competing and "flock geese" flying together。Their exemplary leadership and cooperation provide a strong guarantee for the high quality development of the school。

The "head goose" leads the way

Build a famous teacher to lead the highland

In the process of high-quality development of Changxin Institute, a number of "famous teachers" have become the leaders of the school's "golden teacher" forging。They have not only achieved leapfrog development in the field of education and teaching, achieved personal achievements, but also set up new coordinates in the discipline and professional fields, leading the team to achieve stable and long-term development。

The emergence of a series of famous teachers such as Sui Bixia, national model teacher Wang Xiaogang, national technical expert Li Liangliang, etc., is not only the result of personal struggle, but also the stage results of the training work of "golden teacher"。

The university optimizes the system of internal training and external recruitment of talents,Focus on talents to strengthen the school and professional personnel training needs,Continuously optimize the system of talent introduction and training,Participate in the "High-level Talent Dual Job Exchange Program",Effectively promote the two-way flow of high-level talents between schools and enterprises;Relying on provincial high-level personnel training projects and other projects,Enhance the competitiveness of high-level talents and the ability of innovation and entrepreneurship,Strengthen the demonstration and leading effectiveness of high-level talents。

At the same time, the school has built a high-level teaching innovation team cultivation system led by famous teachers, masters and industrial professors。Take the national Huang Danian teachers team, the national model teachers, the national level vocational education teachers teaching innovation team as the benchmark,To build a "school, provincial, national" three-level teacher innovation team cultivation mechanism,Continuously build a "golden division" team;To the national technical expert, Jiangsu technical expert, Jiangsu artisans as a demonstration,Construction of provincial-level master studios, skills inheritance and innovation platform,Inherit artisan skills, show the style of artisans and promote the spirit of artisans;Provincial industry professors as a link,University-enterprise joint project research and scientific and technological research,Accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological innovation results between teachers and students and the teaching of feedback,Promote the formation of high-level science and education integration team。

Thanks to the implementation of the "Golden Teacher" cultivation project, Changxin Institute has emerged a number of influential teaching teachers and research leaders in the country。They helped Chang Xin won the National Teaching Achievement Award for 5 consecutive years,Two consecutive batches of national vocational education teacher teaching innovation team,Won the first prize in the teaching ability competition of the National Vocational College Skills Competition for two consecutive years,Won the first National Teaching Material Construction Award advanced individual award and first prize 2,For the school's overall education and teaching quality and scientific research level to improve the power of example。

"Young geese" contend

Build a "green pepper" growth ladder

Young teachers are the mainstay of Changxin Institute, the training of young teachers directly affects the future development of school teachers。Changxin Institute tailor-made the implementation of the "young Goose" competition project for young teachers, and built a "stepped" growth system of induction training, continuing education, and classified growth, so as to ensure that new teachers stand on the platform as soon as possible and grow as soon as possible as the cornerstone of high-quality development of the school。

The school promotes systematic learning and education for young teachers,Teaching seminars, teacher workshops and other activities are held regularly,Strengthen the ideological and political guidance of young teachers,Interactive updating of educational ideas and teaching methods,The credit system encourages young teachers to participate in various professional skills training and continuing education courses,Regular improvement of professional level and comprehensive quality。Expand the individualized growth path of young teachers, implement the teacher post classification training system, clarify the responsibilities and development path of teachers, encourage teachers to choose the appropriate development direction according to their personal strengths and interests, and become professional "double teachers" with specialized skills.。

"Tutorial system" is the core content of the "new and old" pair help work of Chang Xin Yuan。Through the selection of famous teachers and "golden podium" lecturers as "mentors", famous teachers and "green pepper" to form a mentor, "one to one" guidance and help。Through regular teaching observation, subject research, teaching reflection and other activities, we can help young teachers grow into teaching backbone as soon as possible and form their own educational style。In addition, Changxin Institute has also implemented the "double tutorial system", that is, each new teacher is equipped with a professional tutor and a homeroom tutor to help them comprehensively improve their teaching ability and class management level。

Under the help of the "famous teacher", the "young goose" grows strong and strong。In recent years, a large number of outstanding young teachers and teaching backbone have emerged in Changxin Institute, who have performed well in many educational, teaching and research activities。Since 2019, 97 young and middle-aged teachers have been awarded high-level talents at or above the provincial level, and 18 teams have been selected as teaching and research teams at or above the provincial level. "Young geese" are working hard to hold up the future of high-quality development of the school。

"Geese" fly in unison

Create the same direction and frequency matrix

The high-quality development of a school depends on teachers working together, moving forward together and resonating with the same frequency。Changxin Institute carries out the "Flock of geese" flying plan, builds a mutual assistance platform of "team coordination, bringing the old with the new, promoting the old with the new", and promotes the comprehensive growth of the faculty of Changxin Institute。

Colleagues must first be of the same mind。The school carries out the action of educator spirit casting soul strengthening teacher, while improving the long-term mechanism of teacher ethics construction, continuously passing on the power of example, arousing the "common point" of all teachers' thoughts and emotions.。On the one hand,Innovation online "main stage",Open the "Teacher Style" column on the homepage of the school's official website and mobile terminal,A form of communication that integrates audio and graphics,Regular display of national teaching model stories and teachers around the style,Transmit the story of teacher's morality with temperature;On the other hand,Take advantage of offline 'big stage',Combined with moral lecture hall, curriculum ideological and political display and evaluation activities,Ceremonies such as teachers' induction and retirement will be held regularly,At the same time, it expounds the rich connotation and practical requirements of educator's spirit,The story of "head wild goose" of Huang Danian teachers team in national colleges and universities, the story of education of provincial and municipal teachers' ethics model, and the style of "young Yan" of rapid growth of new teachers are preached in different categories,Promote the spirit of educators,Inherit the spirit of the teaching style of Chang Xin Institute。

At the same time, Chang Xin Institute to further strengthen the "team" teacher training。Building a "Regular Teacher Workshop",Gather high-quality digital resources based on the smart campus platform,A series of activities were carried out in combination with online and offline activities,Build an effective platform for backbone cultivation, practice learning, communication and cooperation,And carry out thematic teaching and research activities,Prepare lessons as a group,Discuss teaching content, teaching method, teaching means and other related teaching problems,To promote the teaching team's educational teaching concept and personnel training model innovation,Form a "mutual help and guidance" learning community,Continue to renew the concept of education,Improve teaching and digital skills,We will continue to expand the pool of key teachers。

With the promotion of various innovative measures, the overall quality of Chang Xin Institute teachers has been significantly improved。In recent years, the proportion of teachers with senior titles has gradually increased, and the proportion of teachers with doctoral degrees has been increasing. The school's teachers have repeatedly won excellent achievements in various education and teaching competitions, and 80 teachers have won the first prize in provincial and above teaching competitions。At the same time, it provides scientific and technological research services for more than 500 enterprises every year, and the "big Mr." group image of Chang Xin Yuan is constantly shaping。

Looking at the "wild goose formation" of the teachers of Chang Xin Institute, they are tempering the high-quality development of the school and spreading their wings, flying together and traveling far away in the cooperation of collective development。

展望未来,欧洲杯下注预测院将坚持不懈用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想铸魂育人,培养造就一支师德高尚、业务精湛、结构合理、充满活力的高素质专业化教师队伍,努力培养更多高素质技术技能人才、能工巧匠、大国工匠。(ZHAO Yuxuan, Gao Yan, Wu Hao)

Source: China Education News, 12th edition, October 08, 2024

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