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2024-06 27
The Youth League Committee of the University organized a defense meeting for the star rating of student associations in the 2023-2024 academic year
On June 26, under the guidance of the school's student association Construction Management Review Committee, the School Youth League Committee organized a student defense meeting for the 2023-2024 academic year。All the members of the student association construction management evaluation Committee and more than 50 representatives of the student association participated in the defense meeting。A total of 21 student associations entered the defense after going through the procedures of submitting materials, qualification review and quantitative preliminary evaluation。In the association display session, the representatives of each association combined with PPT, told the basic situation of the association, organizational structure, characteristic activities, achievements and shortcomings of the development of the association, and put forward the direction of future efforts。The judging committee is based on each...
2024-06 27
The secretary of the General Party branch of the College of Digital Economics taught the Party discipline learning and education thematic party lessons
On June 25, Yang Hua, secretary of the General Party Branch of the College of Digital Economics, taught Party discipline learning and education thematic party lessons for teachers and Party members in the training building SA301。Fei Yunsheng, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the university, attended, and all party members and teachers of the college participated。党课开始前,杨华组织全体党员学习领会习近平总书记关于党纪学习教育的重要讲话和指示批示精神,她强调,要切实把思想和行动统一到党中央决策部署上来,扎实推动党纪学习教育见行见效。Yang Hua, with the title of "Strengthening the Disciplinary Revolution is Invincible", focused on "discipline education in the history of the Party" and "abiding by the" six major disciplines "to build a solid ideology...
2024-06 27
Counter fraud face to face, build a strong security line - Cyber space security College to carry out face-to-face meetings between school leaders and students
In order to listen to students' growth aspirations, solve students' development demands, enhance students' awareness of network fraud prevention and identification, and help "one-stop" student community construction, on the afternoon of June 26, the Cyber space Security College carried out a "School leaders and students face to face" symposium in the G1101 conference room。Cheng Jianhua, Secretary of the Party Committee of the University, attended the meeting, Wang Haiwei, secretary of the General Party Branch of the Cyberspace Security College, and 19 student representatives attended the meeting, which was presided over by Han Quan, head of the student Affairs Office。
2024-06 27
Cheng Jianhua, secretary of the Party Committee of the university, gave a special party class to the 29th Party membership activists of the Cyber Space Security College
In order to do a good job in ideological education of active party members, consolidate the political theoretical foundation of students, and fasten the first button for active Party members。On the afternoon of June 26, the General Party Branch of the Cyberspace Security College invited Cheng Jianhua, secretary of the Party Committee of the university, to teach a special party class on the theme of "The Party flag leads the road of youth" to 23 activists of the Cyberspace Security College。
2024-06 26
The future can "paint", make "fan" to the United States -- The College of Digital Economics held a special event for graduation season intangible cultural heritage paint fan production experience
On June 23, the College of Digital Economics held a graduation season "intangible cultural heritage" lacquer fan production experience activity with the theme of "Future can be" painted "and" fan "to the United States"。The atmosphere at the event was warm and harmonious, and the graduates were immersed in the charm of intangible cultural heritage. A handful of exquisite lacquer fans were born in the hands of the graduates. These lacquer fans are not only a piece of art, but also a beautiful memory and precious witness of university life。"The future can be 'paint', make 'fan' to the United States" is not only a compliment to the intangible cultural heritage, but also a good wish for the future graduates of the College of Digital Economy。I hope that in the coming days, graduates can be more full...
2024-06 26
Cyberspace Security College held the 2024 graduate Party member Symposium and Party discipline learning and education thematic party class
To do a good job in graduate party education,Carry out in-depth study and education of Party discipline,Guide the graduate party members to play a pioneering role in loving the school, honoring the school and civilized leaving the school,On the afternoon of June 23rd,Cyberspace Security College held a symposium of 2024 graduate Party members and a special Party lesson on Party discipline learning and education in the Industrial Internet Building G1101。
2024-06 25
Pioneer pilot professional smart craftsman show skill style - graduation season to often believe, get smart craftsman pioneer "technology" language theme activities
In order to promote the exemplary power of outstanding graduates, cultivate students' spirit of innovation, and encourage students to aim high and forge ahead, the Intelligent Equipment College held a grand "Pioneer pilot professional smart craftsman show-off style" - the graduation season to regularly believe and obtain the smart craftsman pioneer "technology" language activities。School entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, outstanding alumni, student members of Ji Mingjun studio, science and technology project report and more than 200 teachers and students participated。Around the theme words of "innovation", "practice", "ingenuity" and "hard work", the graduates and outstanding alumni of Chang Xin Institute shared their stories of rooted practice, employment and entrepreneurship, and dedication to youth。Echang Xin...
2024-06 25
Changzhou food safety guarantee inspection group to our school to carry out food safety inspection
On the morning of June 22, Wujin District Hutang Market Supervision Administration food safety supervision personnel accompanied Changzhou food safety guarantee inspection team and other four people to our school to carry out food safety supervision and inspection, asset management company general manager Shi Da, deputy general manager Wu Xiaoping and catering related personnel accompanied the inspection。Inspection team in-depth kitchen field supervision, food safety information bulletin board, kitchen environmental hygiene and facilities and equipment, food storage and other conditions for a comprehensive and detailed inspection。The inspection team affirmed the food safety work of our school and proposed to strictly implement the working mechanism of daily control, weekly investigation and monthly scheduling, and strengthen daily supervision and inspection...
2024-06 25
College of Electronic Engineering held a meeting for the Class of 2024 graduates
On the afternoon of June 23, the School of Electronic Engineering held a conversation for the Class of 2024 graduates。Yang Hongyan, Secretary of the General Party Branch of the School, Zhao Jianhui, deputy dean of the General Party Branch, Zhang Xiaohong, deputy secretary of the School of Electronic Engineering and outstanding student representatives attended the talk。The meeting was chaired by Zhang Xiaohong。At the meeting, the graduate representatives reported their graduation direction, shared their growth course during the school, and put forward opinions and suggestions on the development of the college, curriculum, talent training, and deepening the construction of science and technology innovation system。Zhao Jianhui listened carefully and recorded the valuable suggestions of the graduate representatives, and gave the questions and suggestions raised by the graduates in combination with the actual development of the college...
2024-06 25
The School of Software and Big Data held a "Love Department of Soft University Talking about the Future" face-to-face meeting between the president and students and the 2024 graduates
I would like to express my best wishes to the students of 2024 who have successfully completed their studies,Strengthen the service and care for graduates,Listen to graduate students for the high quality development of Alma mater suggestions,Improve the effectiveness of school education,6月23日,The School of Software and Big Data held a face-to-face meeting between the president and students and the 2024 graduates with the theme of "Love for Soft University, Talk about the Future"。Xu Jianjun, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and president of the university, heads of relevant functional departments, members of the college leadership and 15 graduate representatives attended the symposium。At the symposium, the graduate representatives talked about their personal future development rules around the learning harvest and life perception during the school...
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